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Monday, August 19, 2013


1. I believe there will not be anything that will effect my work in school this year, I plan on trying my hardest this year and not letting personal issues effect my education. I have my own personal laptop and have interent access so I don't believe that will be an issue. But, I do not have a smartphone just a simple text and call cellphone so if I were to be somewhere away from my computer I won't be able top check my blog or emails. My transportation is supported by my grandfather and aunt who I live with and understand that my ways of getting to school is on them. My friends and family support any dream I have and if they ever plan not too I still won't ever change my perspective. My schedule doesn't consist of much as the past besides photography, and music I don't have a full schedule.

2. I must say my best learning experience have had to be last year, my junior year in the English Lit. class with Dr. Preston. At first I seemed to be an eager and get down student but I began to slack off. Until, Dr. Preston began to inhabit our passions into our learning that really caught my eye since I was able to enable the one thing I have the drive for, photography into my learning of modernism.

3. I'm most excited for what projects Dr. Preston has in store for us and all the great teachings he has for us to learn by. I believe it will make a practical difference in my life by seeing what I as a person can do just by one blog, one voice, and one mind.

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